
“If my team were killing it, it would look like this:________” 

You have the picture in your mind, but it doesn’t actually look like that… yet.

How we can partner

What happens at the C-Suite table is critical for organizational success.

If your organization has an excellent Senior team but they are struggling to mobilize and function as a unit, we are ready to come alongside, listen, assess, and help you build processes which will get your team running in tight sync.

Ways we can help:

  • The Meeting Space - Auditing how your meetings are working now & where there are gaps to be filled

  • The Process Space - Assessing what tools are you using & how they might improve

  • The Communication Space - Analyzing the flows of communication & what’s missing

  • The Culture Space - Adventuring through where you are now & where you want to be


Schedule a Call with Annie

Process consulting is an iterative form of humble inquiry and guidance in which the consultant works alongside the client to co-create solutions. A process consultant’s purpose is not to provide ready-made solutions but to advance the client’s growth and learning through an authentic discovery process.

Organizations and businesses dealing with complex change, adaptation or growth benefit from this approach, which includes the social, relational, cultural and psychological dynamics of change, not just the tasks involved.

Process consulting was first described nearly 50 years ago by Dr. Edgar Schein, previous Professor Emeritus at MIT Sloan School of Management.

What is process consulting?

What is process consulting?